Rufus Porter Museum's Curious Arts Series: William Janelle, Sculptor, Carver, Artist

Tree spirit or deity sculpture by William Janelle 

BRIDGTON, Maine - July 12, 2018 - William Janelle, when asked if he had any special talent, or skills quietly told the group assembled to enjoy his presentation at the Stevens Brook Elementary School's art room said: ''Anyone can do this as long as they have the four 'P's'; Purpose, Patience, Practice and Persistence'', advice that happens to be the recipe for a happy, successful, and fulfilling life.

Bill loves what he does and it certainly shows, but says the beauty he creates doesn't always come easy. He said, the persistence he practices is actually stubbornness. He is tenacious.

Very engaging and passionate about his art, this presentation was a joy to behold for all those in attendance. For much more about Bill and stunning beauty he creates, go to his website.

This up close and personal visit with this acclaimed artist was made possible by the Rufus Porter Museum and is the first in this seasons Curious Arts Series.

William Janelle

Tree Spirit: Johnny Appleseed by Willam Janelle. Carved out of wood
acquired at 5 Fields Farm in South Bridgton and paying homage to the late Tom Gieger.
